Monday, January 12, 2009

Sabella & Redish, Am J Phys (2007)

Knowledge Organization and Activation in Physics Problem Solving
M. Sabella & E. F. Redish, Am J Phys, 75, p 1017-1029 (2007).

Abstract: Conceptual knowledge is only one aspect of a good knowledge structure: how and when knowledge is activated and used are also important. In this paper, we explore knowledge organization in the context of the resources model of student thinking through observations of student problem-solving behavior on a mechanics task that integrates the concepts of force, motion, and energy. We document in detail that both introductory and advanced students may have knowledge structures with local coherences that may inhibit their access to additional useful knowledge. These results suggest that instructors and researcher need to pay increased attention to how and when students use what they know as well as to what they know.

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